Hello darling friends! Yes, I'm chirpy today. That would be because the sun has at last decided to grace us with it's presence! Bye-bye rain (for now), hello sunshine! This week has seen us lighting the BBQ for supper, not once, but twice! When the weather perks up, so do I, so be warned, this post might be a lengthy one! I shall try my best to keep the waffling to a minimum, but I have been a busy little bee over the last few days, so there is an awful lot I'd like to share with you today.
As I may have mentioned, I have been on a bit of a nesting spree (no, there are NO new sprogs on the way!), so I have cleared out, cleaned and shuffled things around in our home. I'm not done yet, but I'll show you what has transpired so far! With having a clear out, I've tried to be a nifty thrifter, and have sold things we no longer use or need, and have ploughed the cash back into our little nest. So, a few new additions here and there, but they have cost me NOTHING! Yip, that's right. NADA!
My first little project was this little knick knack frame, as I like to call them. I remember these from way back, when they were filled with all sorts of curious things. I found one whilst bargain hunting one day, and decided to paint it white. I like a blank, white canvas. It then sat around for a good few weeks before I filled it with knick knacks. I decided to add a little British flair to it, as we are celebrating the Queen's Jubilee this year.
What do you think?
The background paper I used in some of the squares was a freebie in a card making magazine. The teeny British flag pin cushion was a steal from our local Cath Kidston outlet store.
Last week I showed you a few new corners in our kitchen, but there are yet another few new touches. These two cuties, bunny and kitty, were purchased from the Wood Green Animal Shelter Thrift shop, and I found them on two very separate occasions, probably a month apart! And they absolutely belong together, wouldn't you agree? And the best part, they cost a few pennies...literally!
Being a lover of all things vintage and retro, I couldn't wait to put up a new clock in the kitchen, one that I'd had my eye on for a while. So, after selling a few of my old bits, I thought I could finally justify getting the new clock...and the Cath Kidston enamel jug I've been drooling over. Again, thank you for a bargain Cath K outlet store! Now, my favourite new addition has to be the retro decal on the fridge. This was an Ebay find. Ta-da!
On a slightly different note. I found this cutie in a local Antiques Centre. It's a 1960's money bank, and cost a couple of quid as it looked a little weary. But, nothing that a bit of spit and polish wouldn't sort out. And it came up trumps!
As far as thrifty finds go, I have had a super run! I found some newbies for our bedroom too!
Everything's rosy...
The exquisite rose bedspread was a thrift shop find, all £3 worth of it! And, in mint condition! The antique sweets tray complements it well, and again, a thrifting treasure, but one I had to work for. Yes, when it comes to antiques, I ALWAYS haggle. It would seem rude not to! So, after a little bargaining, I got round a third off the asking price! On that note: Another haggling bargain, although, in all fairness, this one didn't really need much bartering. I found this treasure at a local spot where I have found many a bargain, and I think this one was a case of 'the sun shining down on me'! I have kept a keen eye out for a little bedroom chair for some time now. I spotted this in passing, and was pleased as punch that I could bring it home without having to trade a 'chicken roast dinner for beans on toast'! As we say in Blighty: Cheap as chips!

On a last cheerful note, I'd like to share one last treasure with you. I am always drawn to beautiful illustrations of nature, you know, birds, bees, butterflies, fauna and flora. None more so than those of Edith Holden. Edith was born in 1871, and lived in the small village of Olton in Warwickshire. She attended art school, and worked as an illustrator, with her drawings being published in several books.
Edith kept a diary, carefully written by hand, which included her favourite poems, personal thoughts and observations of the wildlife she observed at her home in Warwickshire and on her travels. Her paintings on the pages of this journal reflect her keen eye for the delicate beauty of nature. For seventy years, her unique diary lay undiscovered, and in 1977 it was found and published in a full colour facsimile edition that replicates the freshness, charm and beauty of the original.
Now, imagine my delight, when I discovered a 1977 hardback edition in the thrift shop, in very good condition! I can pour over the beautiful pages, and her capture of nature! It means a little more to me too as I was born in 1977, and this was also the year of the Queen's Silver Jubilee! So, you see, I a lot of timely coinsidences!
So, a mouthful today, hey? Anyhow, thanks for stopping by for allowing me to share my nest with you. Hope you're tucked up snug in yours!
Blessings, Tania ♥♥♥