
Thursday, 20 January 2011

Sew a little love: Where I create.....

Sew a little love: Where I create.....: "Life gets so busy. Amidst all the running and juggling, I often desire to steal a few moments just to sit in my little spot, to think, daydr..."

Where I create.....

Life gets so busy. Amidst all the running and juggling, I often desire to steal a few moments just to sit in my little spot, to think, daydream and plan the next project. In a house with three young kidlets, space is at a premium. For a long time I longed to just have a tiny corner to call my own, my very own patch where I can be creative. After lots of thinking, planning and debating, my dear hubby built me a lovely desk in the corner of our livingroom. This space was all I could find as our third bubba kicked me out of what used to be the spareroom! It is perfect though, as I can beaver away in the company of the rest of the family during the day, and enjoy the quiet at night when they're all tucked away upstairs in bed.

I have already enjoyed many hours of sewing in my little oasis, and look forward to many more creative moments! I have had a bit of a tidy, and thought I'd share some photos whilst it stays that way!

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Sew a little love: Special captured moments!

Sew a little love: Special captured moments!: "One of my passions in life is Scrapbooking. Unfortunately it is one that has sadly been neglected of late, as my days are filled with the jo..."

Special captured moments!

One of my passions in life is Scrapbooking. Unfortunately it is one that has sadly been neglected of late, as my days are filled with the joys of motherhood, being a homemaker (although some might argue that this has also suffered!), and my other big passion, which is sewing. This year however, I'd like to spend a bit more time behind my camera lens, and I hope to find more time to creatively document all our precious (and let's face it, the sometimes 'not so precious') memories! To get me started, I have compiled some of our fondest moments of 2010 in an album, and here it is!

 When I look at all these pages, one thing stands out like a nun in a pub: Boy oh boy, we do like to celebrate and eat! It seems to be just one birthday celebration after another. My intention for this year is to keep it that way! I am very grateful for some wonderful, dear friends and family in my life, and I can't think of  a better way to spend time with them. The downside of course to living abroad, is that so many of our dearest are on the other side of the world! But, I know that the opportunities will come to create some special memories with them for the scrapbook too! I live in hope!

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Sew a little love: Looking ahead....

Sew a little love: Looking ahead....: "Well, I am slowly getting my head round to the fact that it's a new year, and somewhere inside I feel great excitement for what it holds! At..."

Looking ahead....

Well, I am slowly getting my head round to the fact that it's a new year, and somewhere inside I feel great excitement for what it holds! At his time of year, well, up until the 3rd of January at least, it's all talk about 'New Year's resolutions', and I always feel a little caught out when someone enquires about the goals I have set myself up for. Note: 'set myself up for...'. I do feel that I set myself up for a fall from grace right from the outset, so for the last couple of years I have just not bothered with the idea. Well, it's all about to change...

My first resolution is 'to leave the defeatest attitude at the back door of 2010!' Yes, I am reminded that 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' So, I shall bury my head in the sand no more, I shall look up and know that whatever I try to achieve, I shall do through His strength, and not my own. For now, that is where I am at. I have also decided not to try and swallow a whole loaf of bread all at once. That's figuratively speaking of course! Whatever task is at hand, I shall approach it one bite at a time. I think that this is where I sometimes went wrong in the past, being overwhelmed by everything that needs doing so much so, that I end up flapping around like a chicken on a diet of e-numbers, and in the process I got nothing done! So, I shall inhale, exhale, and get started, one job at a time.

The following words from that iconic film 'The Karate kid' springs to mind: "Focus Daniel san!" That's one skill I need to fine tune. I need to learn to focus. It's so easy to be distracted by the busyness of life that one loses sight of the more important things. So, I'm going to play more with the kidlets.

On a creative note: I intend to make more time for making! Last year I made these:

I'm looking forward to experimenting with some new ideas this year!
Oh, and lastly, I might decide to get up a tad earlier in the mornings....early bird catches the worm and all that! Have a super lovely day wherever you are. Live, love and create!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

And sew it's here

Well, 2011 has crept up on me stealthily, unexpectedly it seems, and I'm not quite ready with 2010's loose ends still hanging. This is my very first post ever, an attempt at procrastination me thinks, as there is so much else to do. Christmas is still lingering, with decorations still occupying every corner of the house, and lots of mundane jobs flagging up a red alert in every room. But hey, I think it's all about priorities, and while my wee toddler is napping, I shall make the most of a few quiet moments to reflect....

Christmas and new year celebrations still fresh in my mind, I'd like to share some pickies of our festivities. It was a truly wonderful time, manic, with one craft fair after another, and the celebrations itself seemed to fly by on wings of blissfull chaos. I'm still catching my breath....

Needless to say, I'd like to wish one and all a very blessed new year! May the best of 2010 be the worst of 2011!