
Thursday 18 June 2015

Slow...quick-quick, slow...

It seems that as I get older, I get a little more philosophical about living life...
I am becoming more aware of the rhythm of my own life, with tendencies to reflect on and ponder over everything...Lately I feel a strong urge to be quite intentional with time and how I spend it. The hours in a day seem more precious than ever, and there is a sense of responsibility to be a good steward of the seconds, minutes, hours and days which I am blessed with everyday. Life to me should be like the 'Quick-Step', to use a ballroom term! The rhythm is slow...quick-quick, slow...It is so important to make time to slow down in a world that is eager to devour every second like a starved gannet. There seems to be a tendency to glorify 'busy'. It's as if people are hanging on to the over inflated importance of being busy. And so we fill our days without taking slower steps to breathe, think and take stock. All too often I have to remind myself to take my time with the slow steps, as I tend to want to gallop away in a Polka! And as I've learnt the hard way...I will fall down in a heap of exhaustion if I don't pay attention to the slow steps!

Over the last  few weeks, I have made a deliberate effort to slow down when needed. Saying 'no' when necessary, and doing so without the urge to feel that an explanation is needed. I am becoming more aware of my limitations, my boundaries, and I am trying to focus on living and resting with intent. A life of balance is a wonderful thing. I am not quite there yet, but I hope that wisdom will be my portion as I take every step...slow...quick-quick...slow...Living Simply...

To be more like a child...To never lose my sense of wonder...

To look up from my screen, and out the see the smell it...

To enjoy simple pleasures...'there is always time for tea'...

To make time to do the things that really matter...nurturing and nourishing those around me...

To live life a little more simply...



  1. Beautifully written!.....beautifully said!! Lots of love my precious friend💞

  2. Oh my word, yes! I've always been a deeply introspective person, but the older I get the more I ponder on the big and small things in life and try to be very consciousness of how I spend my time (and energy), too. I think this is actually one of the largely unspoken gifts that comes with aging.

    ♥ Jessica


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