Thursday 31 January 2013

Having 'Love'-ly thoughts...

Wow...time does fly, doesn't it? I cannot believe that it is already the last day of January! And, it doesn't help that I'm already casting my eyes forward towards February, hoping and wishing that it would zoom by so that March can come knocking with the promise of a long awaited holiday to South Africa! I must, in all the excitement, remember one thing: 'Not to count the days, but to make the days count.' I am a little ahead of myself in some ways, and I'm already thinking romantic Valentine thoughts! Well, that is in the crafty sense! I spent yesterday evening making a new wreath to celebrate the month of love. Did you see last year's Valentine quickie?

I decided to put a little more effort in this year, and took to needle and thread for a romantic take on 'granny chic'!

I re-used the base from last year's, which was simply a polystyrene wreath base covered in a pair of stripy socks! I wrapped some wool around it to give a little texture. I then added a bow made from felt, some doilies, and a few felt roses, made from scraps of left-over felt. I'm very pleased with how it turned out.

So, I'm thinking 'love'-ly thoughts right now...

I hope you're days are filled with love too!
Tania ♥♥♥

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Kitchen snaps ♥

Hello my lovelies! I hope life is treating you all kindly? There is not much to report on this side...Sometimes the mundane tasks have to take priority over more exciting ventures of the creative kind. Like, cleaning the oven, degreasing the kitchen, and scrubbing floors! The 'heart of our home' was under a bit of strain, and in serious need of some TLC and de-grubbing! So, needless to say there hasn't been much time for any creative pursuits. But, I did manage to sew this little fella...a cheery little kitchen companion.

Whilst all is spiffy and tidy, I thought I'd take some snaps to share...

Freshly laundered tea towels...

'What's the time, Mr. Wolf?' Dinnertime!!!!

Fresh flowers ♥

Tea break? Don't mind if I do!

Loving paper straws right now...

Tins...and more tins...slightly obsessed with tins...

All fresh...♥

Tania ♥

Friday 25 January 2013

Friday Fancies...Florals

Happy Friday everyone! So glad the weekend is here. This week has been a long, cold, dreary one! I believe that the most depressing day of the year has now come and gone, according to researchers, who have pinned January the 22nd as 'Blue Monday'! Apparently it is the day we feel most unhappy, as the weather is so bitterly cold, debts have piled up after Christmas, and it's when most of us falter on our New Year resolutions. Well, it can only get better now, right? I must admit that I do struggle in January to maintain a cheerful disposition, but this year I've made a conscious effort to focus on the good things, and to stay busy! When I'm actively doing something, I feel a whole lot chirpier! So, today, to lift my mood, I'm thinking flowers! Oh, I so look forward to spring blooms! I've had a little tidy on my dresser, and thought I'd share some thrifty finds with you, of the floral kind. These are all little treasures which I've gathered over time from thrift shops...last of the big spenders I am! I think it's always worth remembering, that buying 'second hand', doesn't mean it's second rate. If you purchase something you love, it's new to you! 

A sweet  Pansy brooch from 'Good Intentions' jewelry makers of Wales...thrifted.

A delightful floral bowl, thrifted for a mere 99p! Perfect for holding jewelry...The yellow pearl earrings and bracelet were all treasures picked up from thrift shops.

I love orchids! Haven't worn this much, but think it perfect to cheer up a fancy hairdo in the summer...or winter!

And lastly, if you've got a few buttons you love, why not make a cheery button bouquet to add a little colour to a winter coat? Here's one I made to sell...but couldn't part with! :)

Here's to spring blooms! Have a cheerful, happy Friday!

Tania ♥♥♥

Thursday 24 January 2013

Oilcloth...yay, or nay?!

Oilcloth. What is your opinion on it? I personally love the stuff. I can't say I always have. Years ago I would have shuddered at the mere thought of a 'plastic' tablecloth! Now, don't get me wrong...Nothing can replace a beautiful, soft, tactile linen cloth, but when you've got three young kidlets who seem determined to spill and wipe sticky fingers on every surface at every opportunity, one has to be practical! As soon as the very lovely Ms Kidston launched her range of gorgeous, cheery oilcloth, I was hooked! Not only was it practical, but in my opinion pretty fabulous! Others soon followed, and a wide selection of fabric prints are available in oilcloth these days. I always have one on my kitchen table. The kids can play with Playdoh on it, and it saves my dear old oak table from ruin. But, I don't like a tablecloth that sits awkwardly. As oilcloth is stiff compared to fabric, it doesn't drape as well I think. It looks a little unfinished if just cut straight on the edges. So, this is what I do with mine...

Once I've uhm-ed and aah-ed, and chosen my brand new bit of plastic cloth, I bring it home with a cheery hop, skip and a jump. I draw a scalloped edge all around it, grab my trusty scissors and cut! And now it looks a little more loved...

oilcloth cath and cath kidston roberts radio

No sewing...No fraying...
Ready to enjoy!

And, if you have a little left over, you can put it to use somewhere else. I made a little jacket for my hand wash dispenser. It sits very tidily next to the sink...(Didn't like the supermarket logo on the bottle, so thought I'd cover it up!)

So, what's the verdict? Are you a fan or not? Would love to hear from you! 

Tania ♥♥♥

Monday 21 January 2013

Frame it...

If I think there is the slightest possibility that something can be up-cycled or given a new lease of life, I put it aside until I get that itch. You know, that itch to get that old frame out of the cupboard, and to change it up a bit. I had two such frames...

A lovely brass metal frame...
Nothing essentially wrong with it...
Just a little bored with it...

So, I set to work...
I picked out a little tube of 'Metallic Green' acrylic paint, and rubbed away...

I snipped away...yikes...(Always a little nervous to cut into any vintage linen loveliness!)
Stapled it to the back of the frame...(Oh, I do so love my little staple gun!)And..

Ta-dah! Some sweetness for a spring vignette!
The second frame...
A plain old pine frame in need of a lick of paint!
A few coats of white...
A scrap of sandpaper to distress it a little and add age in a few seconds...I like things a little rough round the edges...
...then, some pretty butterflies cut from old maps...


Two cheery new pictures to add a little brightness to a long, dull January...

Sending happy thoughts your way.
Tania ♥

Friday 18 January 2013

Friday fancies...

My goodness, I am most definitely a Southern Hemisphere girl! I am not cut out for this cold weather! A good old sprinkling of the serene white fluff is falling from the sky, and it's covering everything in a blanket of pure, crisp beauty, bringing with it a stillness...But, as beautiful as it is, I cannot cope with the cold that accompanies it! So, I am wrapping up warm, and admiring it from inside! Whilst enjoying the coziness, I have managed to tidy my sewing corner, and yet another shelf has been taken over by all things cotton and thread! I think hubby must be feeling like a take-over is imminent! But, he need not worry...his pants drawer is safe...for now! What I enjoyed most today whilst having a little sort out, was finding a home for all the lovely pretties I'd been given at Christmas. And, this little fella...I have a particular soft spot for clockwork toys! A present from yours yours truly! Hee-hee...

All tidy...and organised!

So, what have you got planned for the weekend? I think for us, it will involve hibernation! And lots of hot chocolate with marshmallows! And on that note, I'm off to boil the kettle! Have a superbly blessed time, whatever you get up to!

Tania ♥♥♥

Thursday 17 January 2013

A little nesting...again...

Hello my lovelies! Firstly, thank you all so very much for all the well wishes! I am happy to report that my recovery has been speedy, and I'm on the mend! In fact, I've managed to do a bit of nesting. Once life turns back to 'normal' in January, I always hanker after a few changes in our nest. And then...beware! I start playing house. Things get moved around, re-vamped, re-purposed and if anyone is hovering anywhere they might always get moved, dusted and re-located! I thought I'd share a few pictures with you. I have taken them with my new phone (thank you awesome hubby!), and have played around with Instagram for the very first time. The jury is still out whether I'm sold on it or not. What do you think of it?

So, pictures...I have decided to move my favourite little cupboard downstairs into the living room, and instead of housing all manner of tat, it now holds some of my china.

 It also holds some favourite games. Do you remember playing any of these?

And displayed on top...a few of my favourite things...

 The dresser didn't escape the duster either...

 And guess who moved in? None other than Hansel and Gretel!

 And as for the old china cupboard? Well, that has now moved upstairs, and is housing my shoes!

 So, a few minor changes around here! What have you all been up to? I'm really hoping to catch up on some sewing this weekend, as I've got a few orders to fulfil! But I have to get my house in order first. Somehow a clean house has always meant a clearer head for me! I also plan on hosting a little giveaway soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

Tania ♥

Saturday 12 January 2013

You're so 'Vein'...!

Well, what a week it has been! There has been no sewing, making or doing much of anything...
On Wednesday I had a little operation on my left leg. Yip, I'm one of the 'lucky' ones to sport well developed, but less well functioning veins...varicose veins! Having worked in retail for many years, and spending most of that time standing in heels, it didn't help my genetically dispositioned veins much! Although my leg looked like the the London Underground map in 3D, it didn't bother me much apart from being a little unsightly! I'm not that vain that I cared much...I just covered them up anyway! But recently I started feeling pain in my legs, and a few episodes of  Phlebitis (inflammation of the veins) and clotting meant I had to have the veins removed. I was dreading it, as I'm not a very good patient! But, I can honestly say it hasn't been half as bad  as I thought it would be! The General Anaesthetic meant that I had a good old excuse to catch up on some much needed sleep (I have been burning the candle at both ends for a little too long now!), my leg is feeling okay, just a few incisions here and there which aren't too painful, and I'm on the mend!

So, I have spent much time reading...

...whilst wearing lovely white surgical tights...great...

Being spoilt...Were given 'beautiful blooms to feel better soon!'

Dear friends brought lunch, cheerful conversation, and another book to pour over...

There is much planning, dreaming and 'making'
going on in my head...

I hope you have had a good week, and that life has treated you kindly. Sending happy thoughts your way...
Tania ♥

Monday 7 January 2013

The Linen Drawer...

Happy Monday my lovelies! Have you had a good weekend? I do hope so! In our household it's been both productive and restful. I spent most of Saturday chained to the ironing board...NOT my favourite pastime! But, with the kidlets returning to school this week, and life settling back into it's normal rhythm, I needed to make sure that we all had clean pants to face the world in! As for Sunday, well, that was more like it. A wonderful morning spent at church, followed by a little meander round an Antique and Collectors Fair. Even the children enjoyed it! I went with the intention of scouring the stalls for all things linen and lace, and I did not come away disappointed or empty handed! With new projects brewing, I wanted to look for some older  pieces to add to my fabric stash. And the best part of it all...I landed some great bargains that were very kind to my purse...My thrifty soul sings!

And here is my loot...
Beautiful hand embroidered lovelies...

 My tip to you is to dig, dig, dig! Sometimes you'll find a pile of old linens literally just well,  in a pile. Rifle through the muddle, and you are bound to find some beauties that speak to your crafty soul! If pieces are beautifully displayed by the stall holder, don't be afraid to pull them out and have a good look. After all, they want to sell their goods, don't they? And keep an open mind! If you spot a little stain, don't be put off! Just because something isn't in perfect condition, doesn't mean it isn't perfect for a little project. There are people who think that vintage linens should be kept as they are...I don't. If they can be cut, used and re-cycled into something new, why not give them a new lease of life?

Buying lace can be a pricey affair. I always look out for pieces which are edged with lace. Many of my sewing projects require only small amounts of lace, so if a tray cloth is covered in tea stains, but the lace is in good condition, I won't pass it by. Chances are you can pick it up for pennies, and you'll end up with some beautiful, intricate lace that will cheer up many a sewing project.

 Vintage handkerchiefs are also a good edition to any recycling fabric stash. The are often still in their original packaging, so unused! I think these are lovely for patchwork projects, bunting and book covers. I also think they're charming when used instead of wrapping paper when giving small gifts.

I am so excited about using all these beauties! And, I purchased them all for just £9! And, I do think that mother earth quietly thanks me for re-cycling and re-using too! 

If you have a few minutes spare with a warm cup of tea, pop over to Pinterest for some beautiful inspiration. I love all the gorgeous images shared by others, and wish my linen drawer looked like THIS!

Have a thrifty, happy Monday!