Monday 21 January 2013

Frame it...

If I think there is the slightest possibility that something can be up-cycled or given a new lease of life, I put it aside until I get that itch. You know, that itch to get that old frame out of the cupboard, and to change it up a bit. I had two such frames...

A lovely brass metal frame...
Nothing essentially wrong with it...
Just a little bored with it...

So, I set to work...
I picked out a little tube of 'Metallic Green' acrylic paint, and rubbed away...

I snipped away...yikes...(Always a little nervous to cut into any vintage linen loveliness!)
Stapled it to the back of the frame...(Oh, I do so love my little staple gun!)And..

Ta-dah! Some sweetness for a spring vignette!
The second frame...
A plain old pine frame in need of a lick of paint!
A few coats of white...
A scrap of sandpaper to distress it a little and add age in a few seconds...I like things a little rough round the edges...
...then, some pretty butterflies cut from old maps...


Two cheery new pictures to add a little brightness to a long, dull January...

Sending happy thoughts your way.
Tania ♥


  1. I do love how versatile acrylic paint can be. Your frames looked transformed and your butterfly picture is a similar thing that I want to make for a friends daughter, inspiration received, thank you xx

    1. Hi Rebecca! Thanks for stopping by! Glad you feel a little inspired! Tania ♥

  2. Lovely ta dahs!! Love the mapaflys!! Xxxxx

  3. SO pretty.. Love bringing new life into "old unused items".. Great job.. the butterflies is gorgeous.. Happy crafting.

  4. Love what you have done with the frames and your pictures are so pretty too!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  5. fabulous recycling...just found your lovely blog and following! best bloggy wishes x

    1. Thank you so much for popping in, and for the follow! Love your blog! Tania ♥

  6. Excellent Upcycling!! Great butterflies! Cx

  7. So splendidly pretty! One of the most common items I see at yard sales here in empty frames of all sizes. Most tend to be pretty plain and/or slightly damaged, but as this post more than proves, it doesn't take much to inject new life in a frame, so perhaps I'll have to pick up a few next yard sale season and take your lead.

    ♥ Jessica

  8. Hello, I know exactly what you mean about throwing things away, it causes a few problems around our home to be honest.
    My husband does shake his head at me frequently when I retrieve something out of our bin or snatch items from his hand that are destined for to be thrown out!
    You have great vision and I greatly admire you for it. Your home is so pretty and I'm hoping it will inspire me to commence decoration here!
    I have just started my own blog after much head scratching, fingers crossed I'll paint something simply to give me a reason to blog!

    Beckah X

    1. Hi Beckah! So lovely of you to pop in. Thank you for all the lovely comments. All the very best on your blogging journey. You will no doubt love every minute! Hope to see you again soon! Tania ♥

  9. Nice & creative ideas! :)


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