Saturday 17 January 2015

Styling the seasons

Well, the new year is well on it's way, and I'm looking forward to all it has in store! With every new year comes a blank sheet of endless possibilities, new memories to be made, exciting challenges to face, and the turning over a new leaf to get a fresh perspective. This applies to my home life too. For a while now I have swooned over the wonderfully inspirational blogs of the very lovely Katy and Charlotte. They have been challenging us to participate in a monthly feature named 'Styling the Seasons'. Now, in essence this concept isn't new to me, because as those of you who have been following my blog for a while now will know, I am forever changing areas of our home to reflect the changes in seasons. But, these ladies have inspired me to take a fresh look at how this is applied to decorating one's home. We're kicking things up a gear! I have decided to join them on this journey of expression, being mindful of the changing seasons month to month. Starting with...January...


After the clutter of Christmas, I am hankering after an air of freshness! The living room is where we spend most of our time as a family, and it is often where I choose to change things up a bit. So, it's only apt that I should tackle a corner here for my first ever 'Styling the Seasons' feature. My word for this new year is 'Flourish'.... definition of this...'to bloom where you are planted'.

A fresh start...'Time for new things'...

I am super excited to try new things this year. I am planning to indulge in creative pursuits a little more, and hoping to learn some new skills along the way. 

Finding 'Joy' in all you do... 

Do what brings you joy! This is what I hope to achieve in 2015...And sometimes, it's the simpler things in life that satisfies most...

New memories to be captured...

Yes, there will be many moments to mark 2015, moments that will come together in a symphony of new memories made. January...what moments will define you?

New adventures on the horizon...Let's sail away and explore...

I will get in that boat...That proverbial 'boat' that sails out of my comfort zone to horizons unknown, challenging me to flourish...

And the colours I choose for January? Floral tones...teals, greens, pinks and blues, anchored by the occasional pop of black...nothing too defined...A bit like a wild cottage garden...

I have so enjoyed styling this corner of our home whilst reflecting on January and what it means to me. I have always believed that your home tells your story. I look forward to writing new chapters, while 'Styling the Seasons'...


  1. Sweet dear, this post is beautiful and inspiring on so many levels. I share your desire to do what brings you joy and to focus on the simple, true pleasures in life and get rid of as much of the other "noise" that fills our days in the 21st century.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Hello my lovely! All that is wonderful and good to you for 2015! It is always so lovely to hear from you. May you achieve all you set out to do this year! Tania x

  2. Thank you so much for taking part, Tania! I so enjoyed looking at everything you have used to style your room - it's all so personal and heartfelt and feels like such a cosy living space. I love your word for 2015 too, such a great choice x

    1. Hi Katy! Thank you so very much for taking the time to pop over to say hello! I so enjoy reading your blog and following you on Instagram. Gorgeous and inspiring! Tania x

  3. What a lovely blog and I found you through Pinterest. I'm so glad I did

    1. Hi Sandra! Thank you for stopping by, and for taking the time to say hello! It is always so lovely to meet new faces! All the very best to you for 2015! Tania x

  4. Tudo sempre cute por aqui em amiga?! Boa quarta.Valéria.


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