Thursday 27 December 2012

Christmas morning snaps...

Hello my lovelies! So, Christmas day has come and gone, and we have a brand new year to look forward to! Did you have a good Christmas? For some reason, perhaps the fact that we were ill in the run up to the big day, I felt completely unorganised and out of my depth this year. Hubby had to work on Christmas day, so it was a very quiet one for us. The highlight for me is always our Christmas Carol service at church on Christmas Eve...I always connect with the reason for the season, and it never passes me by without a tear or two of utter gratitude for the Gift we've been given! So, regardless of the fact that the 25th was a low key day, I still managed to enjoy being with the children, and having a quieter day was a blessing! On Boxing day my two sisters and their families came to visit, and we managed to have a 'proper' Christmas dinner! Such fun! We laughed, chatted and laughed some more, and it was a precious time spent together. We had so much fun, I forgot to take pictures! But, here are a few snaps from Christmas morning. Enjoy what's left of 2012!

Oh look...Santa's come to visit!
Big smiles all around!
Wow...look what Daddy...ahem, I mean our little man, got from Father Christmas!
Little miss was pleased as punch with her loot...Can you spot the sewing machine? She is so excited to learn to sew on her own spotty wonder!
Well, we were all thoroughly blessed this year! Hope you were too! Merry Christmas...again!
Blessings, Tania ♥

Saturday 22 December 2012

Have yourself a merry little Christmas...

Finally...the germs have left and I'm feeling human again! Perhaps going to bed FOUR hours before midnight last night helped! And now, I'm in the Christmas mood! I just have to reflect on all the blessings in my life, regardless of the stink bombs life has thrown this way, and I know...I am blessed! I thought I'd share some snaps from our home with you. Have yourself a merry little Christmas everyone!

Blessings, Tania ♥

Monday 17 December 2012

'Oh Christmas tree...oh Christmas tree!'

Hello my lovelies! I'm so sorry for my lack in posting! It has been a tremendously busy time sewing for craft fairs and sending out parcels. As you can imagine, the housework was pushed aside, and I've had to work hard at rescuing it from the piles of laundry and dust that ambushed me! For a while it looked like the big bad wolf had huffed and puffed, and blew the contents of my little abode all over the place! But, order has been restored! And now...well, we're all full of flu! Eugh...I'm feeling really sorry for myself, and utterly annoyed, as my dear sis and her hubby have come from abroad to visit, and all I feel like doing is curling up in a duvet down a deep dark hole! The last dose of Cold and Flu tablets have kicked in, hence a quick post just to say hello! I thought that I'd share a quick little project with you, one inspired by Pinterest, which I had a go at and thought that maybe you would like to too. It is so simple and straightforward, so this is not a full-on tutorial, just a little inspiration to get you started!

'Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree...'

You'll need...

1x boxed frame (I figure a canvas might also just won't be protected)

1x sheet of backing paper

assorted scraps of wrapping/scrapbook paper

embellishments, buttons


A trunk for your tree! I used an old wooden cotton reel.

*Start by cutting your paper to graduating widths, then rolling your choice of papers up into tubes. I used a thick wooden stick to roll the paper, as this made it easier to get them all to the same size. Secure with sticky tape.
*Glue your 'tree trunk' to the bottom middle of your background paper.
*Then, glue from the bottom (largest) to the top (smallest) onto your choice of background paper.
*Add embellishments as and where you like, frame it and....Voila! A very Christmassy Christmas tree!

This little project was so much fun to do, and easy-peasy! Have a go! Now, I hope to shake off this flu monster soon, so normal service can resume! Enjoy the run up to the festive season, and do remember to relax too!


Thursday 29 November 2012

Buttons and pinnies!

Greetings sweet friends! Well, I am still here...I think...Sometimes it feels like I'm losing my head with all that needs doing at this time of year! But, there is always time for a little indulgent sewing time! Have you seen the new 'Granny Chic' book by Tif Fussell and Rachelle Blondel? I have finally got my mitts on a copy, and yes, I'm turning into a primate...lots of  'ooh-ooh' and  'aah's' induced by the sheer drool-worthy pages of this delightful book! I do love a bit of granny chic, and it marries well with my desire to be thrifty and crafty! The first project that I have tackled, inspired by the very lovely Dottie Angel, was a 'peachy perfect pinny'!

I used some favourite fabrics from my stash...old sheets, buttons, lace and some truly scrumptious bias binding...and a doily for granny chic goodness of course!

A perfectly useful pocket...

My new pinny...perfect for craft fairs me thinks!
Apart from pinning and sewing pinnies, I have also made a few more bits for the upcoming craft fairs, and also to sell on my Facebook page.
Vintage inspired button bouquet brooches...
I've got one last little project to share with you. I've been toying with this idea for some time, after seeing some origami dresses on Pinterest. I wanted to use fabric instead of paper to make a little framed picture. Such fun!
So, this is what have kept me from my blogging chair for the last week or so! What have you all been up to? Anything exciting? I can't wait to have a little time to sit with a warm cuppa, and to catch up with all the wonderful blogs out there that always cheer me, challenge me or inspire me! Do say hello! I'd love to hear from you!
Blessings, Tania ♥♥♥


Sunday 18 November 2012

Heavenly Angels...

Well, it's a beautiful sunny Sunday morning here in Cambridgeshire, and there is a sprinkling of frost on the rooftops. Just beautiful...You can't help but feel blessed and cheerful when the sun greets you with such a big smile! Have you had a good weekend so far? It's just been more of the same in my valley...sewing morning, noon and night! I've managed to finish three angels, and am quite pleased with how they turned out. Meters of cotton thread later, they are standing proud...

I do feel a little distracted from blogging at the moment, as there is so much to do. Do forgive me for my haphazard posting, and although I haven't managed to respond to all your heartwarming comments, I have read and appreciated every single word! Thank you all for saying 'hello' when you do! Soon the busy-ness will ease off, and normal service will commence! I hope that you are all well, and that life is treating you kindly!

Blessings, Tania ♥

Friday 16 November 2012

Friday Fancies...

Wow...seems like ages that I sat down to have a little natter with you all my lovelies! But, you know the drill at this time of sew some more! There hasn't been much time for anything other than stitching and stuffing! So, needless to say, I don't have much else on my mind to share, other than what I've been up to. A few of you have requested the 'how to' for the strawberries that I showed you in a previous post. If you hang in there I'll do a little tutorial for you soon. Promise.
Now, this are the bits that I fashioned over the last couple of days. What do you think?

Flirty Seahorses...

I also did some baking...well, sort of...Gingerbread man anyone?

Teddies ♥

And a little Christmas Cheer!
Hope you have a jolly Friday!
Tania ♥

Thursday 8 November 2012

Growing strawberries...

Those of you who know me well, will know that I am not green-fingered at all. I have very good intentions when I start looking after new potted friends...but before long they wilt, hang their shoulders and look forlorn, like an abandoned lover on a train station platform! I'm still trying to figure out if I give them too much love (water) or too little... I have tried talking to them, because that's what you're supposed to do right? You're supposed to talk to your plants and they'll flourish...Perhaps my conversation bores them to death? Anyhow, for now I've given up on compost, gardening gloves and dead-heading plants, and I've 'grown' some strawberries of a different kind. These are magic strawberries! I 'planted' the seeds first thing in the morning, and after some hours of 'cultivating', they had grown to epic proportions!

First, there was one...

One turned into many...

These sweet smelling fruity friends are for look shimmy up a dull door or corner...Or, they can be put to good use as pin cushions...and look pretty at the same time! They won't wilt...they won't droop...and THAT is even after they've been poked by pins! Hurrah! For now I hang up my gardening gloves...the plants will thank me...
Have a superb, terrific day my blogging friends!
Tania ♥

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Getting sorted... is a chilly day for us, and a wet one! I had to de-ice the car for the first time this morning, and that always signals the arrival of woolly-sock-weather! Regardless of wanting to hibernate under the duvet, the children are back at school, and a lot needs doing around here! I apologise if I haven't replied to all your wonderful, warm comments in previous posts, but it seems 'Mr. Time' has turned into 'Mr. Scrooge' in it's giving! I do so love hearing from you, and I read and appreciate every word! I'm trying to cram in as much as I possibly can in a day, and the midnight oil has been burning for the last few nights too! Today has seen me do a little Christmas shopping, and I've been sorting out and finishing off a few projects. Oh, and a little reading over a cuppa. I found this edition of 'Homemaker', and in it was a supplement with the loveliest vintage sewing images. Pure eye-candy! I don't quite know what I'm going to do with all the pull-outs, but I'm pretty sure I'll find something to do with them. I was thinking of photocopying the images, and using it to gift wrap pressies...amongst other things!

Apart from swooning over these gorgeous pages, I have managed to list some of my items on my Facebook page. Do pop over and say hello! Just click ♥HERE♥ On there you will find...

'Take a leaf from this book' bookmarks...finally a batch is completed!

'Posh Pooch Daschund' Keyring/Book bag buddies...
'Sleepy Cloud' Hair clip tidy...
'Itty-bitty birdie' Christmas ornament...

 So, a little of this and a little of that! What have you been up to today?
Tania ♥♥♥

Sunday 4 November 2012

Rainy day inspiration...

This morning we woke up to the gentle pitter patter of the rain against the windows. Having been up all night with a poorly boy, we did manage to have a bit of a lie-in, and even little man has perked up...thank goodness! After a scrummy full English brekkie cooked by hubby, I decided that as we're having an easy Sunday morning, I may as well do a little sewing. Feeling a little inspired by the rain, I thought I'd make some sleepy cloud hair clip tidies. My daughter's hair clips and slides are always in a jumble in a box, and I thought this would be a much better way of storing (and finding!) them! Inspired by all the lovely cloudy images around at the moment, I set to work...

I hope you're enjoying a lazy Sunday...rain or shine!
Blessings, Tania ♥